Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 6, 2012

How to Monitor Who is Connected to Your Wi-Fi Network

Monitor your wifi network
Many peoples living around you are trying to access your Wi-Fi connection for free, We're aware that you're paying bills from your hard earned money and want to stop such unwanted activities. In today’s post, we will review how you can keep a constant monitor on your wireless network connection.

Actually your router have some built-in functions for detecting wireless network connections but this is a limited function and doesn't allow for advanced features. Some of the application like Nirsoft wireless network watcher will be allow advanced features such as live monitoring and detection. Which you can keep better track of your Wi-Fi network connections.

First of all go to the NirSoft Wireless Network Watcher download page and proceed to download the.exe file

Wireless network watcher

After downloading finished you will need to start launcher. Once the application starts, You can configure more advanced settings for the software by navigating the path Options > Advanced Options

You can also set the software to beep whenever it detects a new connection, using the path Options > Beep on new device

Hope you're enjoying tutorials, Waiting for your comments.

How To Monitor Hidden Internet Connections

If you're online at this time on ThingsGuide, your computer also connects to many other connections that are running in the background, Which not only reduces the speed of your internet but also increases your data bandwidth usage, Sometimes it can be gateways for viruses and malware. However, the many programs  that you have installed on your computer, also connect to internet based services, Here are a few ways to monitor and detect those internet connections.

Using Command Prompt

Type cmd into the run box from start menu and click on OK

Type the characters netstat –abf 5 > activity.txt and hit the enter key. Wait a few minutes for Windows to record the processes.

Monitor hidden internet connections using command prompt

Type Ctrl + C on your keyboard to stop recording.

Type activity.txt and hit the enter button. Notepad will now open with the recorded internet connections.

Using Nirsoft CurrPorts

The Nirsoft CurrPorts app lists detailed information regarding background internet connections of a computer. Go to the Nirsoft CurrPorts website and download the currports.exe

Monitor hidden internet connection using nirsoft currports

through this tutorial you can also check for unknown processes of viruses and malware who often use ports and incoming and outbound internet connections.

Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 6, 2012

Create Some Fake Computer Viruses

make some fake computer viruses
Today I am sharing another interesting article about "How To Make Fake Funny  Computer Virus". In this tutorial I teach you how to make a harmless and fake virus, Basically what it does is just log off and then "Shutdown" your computer.
Disclaimer - Everything here is for informational purposes only.

1. Fake error message

Step-1 Make a new text document with notepad, type msg * YOUR MESSAGE, image refer below:

Type your fake massage

Step- 2 Now save as Play me.bat As always, make sure that you select All files instead of Text Document.

Here's how it will look like once it is launched:

Fake error message

2. Forced Shutdown

Step-1 Put the following into your Notpad:

@echo off
shutdown -s -f -t 60 -c "YOUR MESSAGE HERE"

(Replace 60 with the length of the countdown you want)

Step- 2 Now save as play me.bat

Here's how it will look like:
Fake forced shutdown

To stop it, open Run from the start menu and type shutdown-a. Enjoy

Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 6, 2012

Some Essential Tips To Making A Strong Password

Tips to making a strong password
People may use passwords that are easy to remember such their date of birth child's name etc. Unfortunately, these types of passwords can easily be hacked, The best password is something that you will never forget, but even your family or closest friend would never guess becouse the passwords provide the first defense against unauthorized access to your account.

 Here are some tips to create one:

1. The first essential rule of creating a strong password should be eight or more characters in length. The longer the password, the harder it is to hack.

2. Use both uppercase and lowercase letters in random places example instead of "shruti", type sHruTi or something similar.

3. Include numbers, this is very important, it is lot harder for hacker to guise it, to make it easier you can use your date of birth or age but put the number on random places. For example "my sister shruti is 12 years old" as a password could be "MsS12yo"

4. Make some of the following substitutions:

  For the word "be", use "b"
  For the word "for", use 4
  For the word "nothing", use 0 (zero)
  For the word "you" use "u"
  For the word "we", use "v"
  For any numbers, type the number
  If permitted, use "&" for and, or "@" for at

How To Change Your IP Address

My IP address
Can I change my IP address? is probably the most commonly asked question, IP address is a numerical way of identifying your computer. Every computer has its own unique IP. If you get your IP blocked somewhere and you don't like it then this guide is for you, Before trying this method, turning off or unplug your modem/router for few minutes.


1. Type "CMD" into the run box from start menu and hit OK

2. Type "ipconfig" into the command prompt (This will show you info about your IP address)

3. Type "ipconfig /release" and hit "Enter (This will remove your currnt IP)

How to change my IP address

4. Type "ipconfig /renew" and you will be presented with a new IP address

5. Type "exit" and leave the prompt.

If this does not answer of your question, please leave your comment.